ePublished by
May 2023
Originally published 1908
Nickel weekly
R. L. Wheeler
Originally published in the 1870s as a dime novel and then re-published in 1908 as a nickel weekly, Sharp-Snout; or, The Mystery of the Trapper’s Cave is number 15 of the beloved Beadle’s Frontier Series.
This particular issue is a story about two skulduggerous men with a grudge who combine with a tribe of Apaches led by the eponymous title character to chase with murderous intentions across New Mexico and Texas our small group of heroes—including a Comanche princess love interest—as they attempt to collect a cache of long-hidden gold and return to civilization... standard Wild West fare you might see produced by Hollywood.
At more than 28,000 words, this work of fiction, besides being an interesting and fun read, gives the reader a taste of what the masses were reading in the late 19th and early 20th century time period.